My Crackers for my Chili-wrapped in tin foil- 3 packs of 2....SHADY!
The Buckle started in Kearney, Nebraska! Who knew the middle of nowhere could produce so much style?
Bryan and Brian at the museum over the Highway with the guy with guns up
The Museum over the Highway-We learned about the Oregon & Mormon trails, the 49ers and the changes the Lincoln HIghway brought through the Midwest. It was great!
Columbus, Nebraska!
Abbey & Brian in Crackers to Caviar-the coffee shop? Or wait- is it Hallmark? Well, we're really not sure. You do what you can in small towns. It was better, however, than the grocery store we had our team meeting that morning in!
More stuff!
Bryan working in the coffee/gift shop.
Bryan's artwork of the Columbus sunset
The blizzard in Nebraska
Road conditions were crazy! (Well, for us Texans, anyway)
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