New Spring Schedule!

We're heading out for the semester again, and this time with a team of three; Bryan, myself, and Brian Villarias who we traveled with last semester. We'd love for you to track with us as we go and pray for us!

Here are some specific prayer points for us this semester.

-Safe travel through all the snow and ice!
-Favor with campus ministers
-Students to truly grasp the message of what God is doing in the world and to understand their responsibility in that.
-Students to respond well and sign up to meet with us one to one
-Great rest & energy, this is a little bit longer semester.
-Perspectives classes, retreats and church meetings to go well.
-Extra energy for Abbey being the only one meeting and emailing girls on the road this semester
-Time management for all of us
-Bryan, as he is planning for and scheduling speakers for IT Philly

Spring 2008
Nebraska, Iowa, Wisconsin, Minnesota

24 U of NE-Kearney NAVS
28 Columbus Community C CCC
30 U of NE-Lincoln CSF
31 U of NE-Omaha CCC

1 U of NE-Lincoln NAVS
3 Cedar Falls, IA Perspectives
5 Doane C CCC
7 U of NE-Lincoln CCC
13 U of IA CSF
14 Parkview+ 24-7
19 U of Northern IA NAVS
20 Dana C CCC
21 Christ Community+ Thursday Night 8:08
23 Cornerstone+ Perspectives Exposure
25 U of WI-Stevens Point IVCF
26 Black Hawk+
27 U of WI-Whitewater NAVS
28 U of WI-Madison IVCF
29 U of WI-Stevens Point CCC Leadership

2 U of WI-River Falls CCC/AIA Leadership
4 Minneapolis Community C CCC
4 U of WI-River Falls CCC
5 North Hennepin Community C CCC
6 U of WI-Whitewater IVCF
10 U of WI-Eau Claire IVCF
13 Carroll C IVCF
20 Chicago, IL Perspectives
26 Lake Superior State IVCF
27 Northern MI U CCC/IVCF
28 MI Technological U IVCF

1 U of MN-Duluth CCC
3 St. Cloud State U XA
6 New Covenant Bible+
10 Milwaukee Sch of Engineering IVCF
17 IA State U CCC