In the summer of 2002, I had the privilege of taking the course Perspectives on the World Christian Movement. I wasn't quite sure what to expect, but happened over the 15 lessons has changed my life forever. I do not mean this to be taken as cliche. It is anything but that. God used this class to transform the way I think, live, spend, etc. It transformed the way I viewed the Bible, History and Culture. It taught me to see my life as purposeful in God's global agenda.
This course is not for everyone, though I wish it was. It has a lot of reading which eliminates many, but do not let that scare you. The reading takes some time, but it's not impossible. What you will be required to read over 15 weeks, I read in 15 days. (That's the length of the course I took.) You can do it! You will hear from some amazing speakers who will challenge your way of thinking about such words as missions, church planting, contextualization, etc. You will meet other believers from churches in your area who will embrace God's heart for the nations with you and bring a unity that is desperately needed among believers. This course will change your life, your plans, your future, your present!
I want to recommend taking this course this semester in your area. To find the class closest to you go to www.perspectives.org and type in your zip code. This class in taking place in over 200 cities in America, and has been taken by over 70,000 believers since 1974 when it started. Also, don't let the costs scare you away. It is an investment, but trust me it is a worthy investment. Also, please note that this class is NOT and I repeat, NOT for missionaries only. In fact, the desire is for believers from all walks of life to take this course and become united around God's global agenda no matter where they are and what they are doing. So please pray and consider this course this semester. Don't go alone either, bring a friend, family member, Sunday School class, your whole church.
If you'd like to know more or have any questions, please contact us. We would love to answer any questions or help however we can!
Check out the video on this link:
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