Well, I am back from Thailand/Burma. I got back yesterday morning and have basically been sleeping most of the time. We came back a week early for a couple of different reasons which I will share with you.
One of the main reasons is that we were not granted Visa's into the country, and probably wouldn't the whole time we were there. Our goal in going was to help with relief efforts, but the government is not asking for help only aid that they can distribute. This is obviously frustrating. The good news is that we were able to connect with some local Burmese believers who can take the supplies in and try to pass them out. This, too, is not a guarantee because the government has been confiscating supplies from Burmese who have been passing out food to others. No one but the government seems to be allowed to pass out food. Our hope is that the Burmese believers will be able to get in and pass out the goods. They have many connections in country, plus this will make them shine before their people and not some outsiders.
This is also another reason we came back. If we had stayed we would have been more in the way than we were a help. The group we worked with was working on making connections for long term work and they needed to be able to move freely. Having 5 others to worry about would have made things a little more difficult. Also, by coming home early the money we would have spent on housing, food and transportation is now being given to get more relief supplies to send in with the local Burmese. It was not easy to decide to come home, but the whole team felt this was the wisest decision for each of us and the long term effort.
My heart is still burdened and saddened for the people of Burma. I've noticed that on the news they are not getting much attention anymore, and it will only be a matter of time before they are again forgotten by the popular media. However, my hope is that believers all over the world will engage the Lord in prayer on behalf of these people. I am asking for whoever would like to join me to pray and fast for 3 days for the peoples of Burma. Starting Monday, May 19th I am going to be fasting and praying for three days for Burma.
I will be praying 3 things, 1) That God would move the hearts of government officials to allow others to come in and help with the immediate need of survival and rescue, 2) That God would crush the spirit of Buddhism that has also enslaved these people to darkness and fear and hopelessness, and 3) That God would pour out His Spirit on the peoples and that his kingdom would be advanced among all the people groups of Burma. I invite you to join me in this fast and raise a cry on behalf of those in Burma that have no voice. After being there for just a few days, my heart believes that our response at this time needs to be prayer and fasting. The government is not moved by the UN, the US or the EU. The hope of Burma is not found in political spheres, rather before the God of the universe. Please join me in approaching Him on behalf of the peoples of Burma.
Thank you all so much for your prayers and encouraging words. I was so great to be back in Burma after 7 years. I only wish we could have gone further into the country, but it was not meant to be at this time. The Lord's plans will not fail, and I look forward to what He is doing and what He will do among the peoples of Burma in the coming days, weeks, months and years. Remember these people in your prayers. Thanks again and I love you all!
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