We had about a week at home to hang out with my family in Tulsa, then on to staff training, and we're finally back in Dallas until we leave for Philly on the 25th of May.
We're excited to be back for a few weeks and to catch up with friends and family, and really looking forward to heading back out again for another great summer at the IT Project!
Birthday celebration for Bryan, Dad and Betsy
Me & Betsy, I love my sister!
Isn't she cute??
Again...check Bryan out in all the pictures. I think he's picked up the smile from Nacho Libre..Thanks Leah & MaTassel! :-)
Me, Shannon & Rebecca
Some of the staff girls- Rebecca and I thought this was the 'fun' picture. All we heard was sorority pose...
Our amazing office staff, we love you guys!
And one amazing photo...
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