We picked our own team pumpkin from a real pumpkin patch in Michigan our last week there and carved a Jack-O-Lantern of an alien for our friends we stayed with. Also during the week, we found some great look-a-like pumpkins of each of us! It's unfortunate how similar that pumpkin and I really do look alike....
We also had the privilege of receiving a ticket from a cop in training for turning right on red on Michigan State's campus "because we were from out of town". He told us we had to pay $100 cash to get our license back, and when we only had $55, he asked if anyone else in the van had a $20 bill. We didn't, so he told us he'd take the $55 instead of the full $100. Shady... not to mention, what happened to grace BECAUSE you're from out of town?? It did, however, get even better than that. We were late for our meeting because the cop in training took so long, but we just happened to get pulled over directly in front of the room where our meeting was. The campus minister welcomed us to his meeting by walking out the door asking, "Are you the law-breakers?" Smooth...But it did provide some great laughs, and a good picture. You can even see the window of the room we spoke in in the background!
ABBEY your face which is strangely similar to your pumpkin's is great...and you are going to need to pay me $100 in cash- right now.
No right turn on red, I am absolutely appaled, and not to mention it cost you $100. We Okies know how to drive! Have you seen the video on godtube.com called Baby Got Book? It is a Bryan rap-a-long if I ever heard one! Miss you guys,
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