We also have info on baby's gender...only sealed in an envelope until next week! We'll open the envelope on Christmas morning to find out if we'll be thinking pink or blue. Waiting for Christmas this year feels a little like it did at age 5 again- I love it, and hope I can make it until then!
Second thought- I'll definitely make it to Christmas, because Bryan has hidden the envelope and DVD of the sonogram to ensure that I do! I still think he's the one who would crack before me...haha. We're both pretty determined to wait though, because we really do want to find out together on Christmas. Check back in after Christmas to find out!
Here's baby at week 20:

Baby's tiny feet!

The Dr. said that baby had both legs crossed and over it's head, just hanging out!
I feel baby moving all the time now, too! It's so much fun, and brings a smile to my face every time. It's such a joy getting to carry this tiny little life and pray over this baby, that he or she would know and treasure Christ above everything else. And while we aren't minding the quiet nights right now...we definitely can't wait for baby to get here so we can meet him/her!
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