Our first meeting in Minneapolis was with the leadership of the college group at Piper's church, and the Tool was planned in to the meeting, so all 60 students there got the packets and info to pass on to others in their Bible studies, etc. Andrew, the campus minister was great, and set up their entire vision for the year around the message that night! It was a great meeting!
One of the students also found a new use for our Bumper sticker.
Tad had really cool housing for the night...
Yep, a closet. Sweet.
We were making jokes about being upset one day, and found out that Tad's mean face consists of him looking down and smiling, (makes sense once we learned he got the “Little Angel” award as a most likely to in 8th grade) while Bryan on the other hand, looks a little more like a comic character...or something.
Tad has also decided to rebel against the status quoe, and refuses to wear his seatbelt, resulting in a strangely familiar alarm everytime we go anywhere. We’re afraid something like Pavlov will result and when he hears alarms go off during meetings might reach for his seatbelt...
We also got to catch a Twins game while we were in Minneapolis at the Metrodome...unfortunately they lost. But, even if I didn’t tell you that, Tad’s mad face could have given that away.
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