We left Dallas late Christmas Eve and surprised my parents by being there when everyone woke up Christmas morning. It was so much fun being with my family on Christmas- we just sat around and talked all morning about all that God has done in our lives this year, about the true worth of Christ, then prayed together and finally opened gifts sometime before dinner. We also went over to my aunt and uncle's house that evening- a Christmas day tradition, and hung out and played games. This was definitely one of the best Christmas' I can ever remember.
When a rare moment like this comes- you just have to get a picture of it! My dad was really excited about the stockings we gave them, and even more excited when he realized that they were matching and he could wear them, along with the reindeer antler headband my mom gave Betsy and I.

A REAL Christmas tree! First one in 15-20 years? It smelled so great!

"Quiet Morning"

Bryan & I

Everybody hanging out

Uncle Gary and Aunt Ann

My beautiful sister, Betsy

Family Games
yaaayyy!!!!! this is so great sisterrr! i especially love the picture of dad and "quiet morning"...hahahahahah..i wish mom and dad were awake so i could show them..in fact..i think i want to call you and see if you're awake so i can laugh with you..i love you guys so much! mwah!
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