We got to celebrate a GREAT semester our last week on the road in Chicago with a fun dinner together! The four of us had a great time talking about the semester and enjoyed some superb desserts-especially the boys. After our celebration dinner we headed to our very last meeting at Columbia College in downtown Chicago and then home to sleep to enjoy some sightseeing in Chicago the next day before we headed home.
However, instead of getting home to our great hotel beds, we fell prey to a stolen car hit and run! It was midnight in Chicago and traffic was still crazy- and not just us but 3 other cars got hit too! We were all sent to a parking lot off the highway where we found out from the cops that the woman driving the car hit all 4 of us, then sped of in her stolen car only to have the tires catch on fire and blow out, run from the car and not get caught! It was definitely a crazy night. God is so good, though! I mean, if you're going to get hit, not bad timing, 10 minutes after our very last meeting, none of us got hurt, and we were still able to drive the car all the way home to Oklahoma. Pretty exciting story, just not cool for the van.

Dinner at Claim Jumper

MMMM!!! & really cool face from Bryan :-)


Us, the cops and the other 3 cars that got hit.