He's finally here! And we are SO in love with the little guy! Yesterday marked his 2 week B-day, and we are definitely turning in to our parents when we say..."time flies!"
Judson was born on May 6th, at 8:17 pm, and weighed 7 lbs, 9 oz, and was 20 and 1/2 inches long.
Our First Family Picture after Judson was born
Labor started sometime around 1:00 ish that day after having my water broken because my blood pressure was high when we came in that morning. Judson was posterior, and that could have been why labor hadn't started on it's own by almost 41 weeks. I was nervous about having my water broken because we were committed to having him that day at that point, but Cherie was confident that this would be all we needed to do to help the little guy come. And she was right! 10 Minutes later I was having regular contractions, and spent the rest of the day just waiting for him to come. Bryan and I were able to walk around the park next door to the Center, and sit outside in between laboring inside where they could monitor me a little closer. Labor was tough, but being able to have Judson naturally was such a wonderful experience, and nothing compares to the moment we finally had him in our arms!
It has been so fun having him here, and we love being his parents. Even though we will be in the learning process for the rest of our lives as parents, it's amazing how natural it is to be a mom. I just love him!!
First day home, not even 24 hours old.
Mommy and baby J hanging out
Daddy and Judson
Bright Eyes!
This week, we had a check up at the Birth & Women's Center, and to get Judson circumcised and his footprints on the wall with all the other babies that were born there.
Our little family with our Midwives! Beverly, Carol and Cherie. They were amazing, and we absolutely loved our experience there!
Getting his footprints on the wall!
I love baby feet!
Mommy and Blackfoot. He hated this! But... he didn't know what was coming next. We kept trying to tell him the circ would be way worse and to save his energy crying, haha.
Driving Home after his not so fun visit :-) But he's still so sweet!
More pictures and post to come...when we finally get around to it between diaper changes and feeding! :-)
40 Weeks, No Baby, and other old updates!
Well, it's May 1st, Bryan's Birthday and Judson's due date, and we are still without a baby in our arms! Seeing that there is only 45 minutes left of the 1st, I'm pretty positive I wont be in the Guinness Book of World records for fastest labor ever, and he wont be coming today, but there's always tomorrow...or next week- we'll see when he decides to come! But, good thing we were still able to celebrate one Birthday in our family! :-)
Happy 30th Bryan! You're an amazing husband and I'm so thankful for the life God's given you, and that you're in my life- you are such a joy!
(Bryan with his winnings from the daily "Nations Be Glad" twitter Question!) His faces still bring me so much joy...
And now for late updates...
Baby Showers!
We were blessed to have 2 wonderful baby showers for Judson, one in Dallas, and one in Tulsa. They were both wonderful, and such a blessing- thanks to everyone who came, and all of our amazing hostesses!
Page and I at the Dallas shower with the great cake she got, that matched the invites perfectly! She and Jenny Hipp hosted, and somehow I made it out without a picture of the three of us- I can't believe it! It was wonderful though, thanks so much Jenny and Page!
At the Tulsa shower with my mom and sister Kelly, and my mom's wonderful friends Amy, Brenda and Amy. (Lori left before we were able to snap this picture of the hostesses!) You were all such a blessing to me and our new little family, THANK YOU!!!
Me and Harper, my niece.
Beginnings of Judson's room!
My parents got Judson a beautiful white crib and great bedding! (You guys are such great grandparents- thank you!) and Bryan had a lot of fun putting it together.
As he was finishing putting the last screw in, I had the camera ready to capture his elation that his job was done, and this is what I got:
Oh, how I love my hubby!
And finally, Bump Pictures!
Week 36
Week 38
Well, that's it for updates today. Hopefully the next post has some pictures of our new little guy, we're going crazy waiting for him!
Until then, "have a blast doing whatever it is you do for fun!" (from Bryan)
Happy 30th Bryan! You're an amazing husband and I'm so thankful for the life God's given you, and that you're in my life- you are such a joy!
(Bryan with his winnings from the daily "Nations Be Glad" twitter Question!) His faces still bring me so much joy...
And now for late updates...
Baby Showers!
We were blessed to have 2 wonderful baby showers for Judson, one in Dallas, and one in Tulsa. They were both wonderful, and such a blessing- thanks to everyone who came, and all of our amazing hostesses!
Page and I at the Dallas shower with the great cake she got, that matched the invites perfectly! She and Jenny Hipp hosted, and somehow I made it out without a picture of the three of us- I can't believe it! It was wonderful though, thanks so much Jenny and Page!
At the Tulsa shower with my mom and sister Kelly, and my mom's wonderful friends Amy, Brenda and Amy. (Lori left before we were able to snap this picture of the hostesses!) You were all such a blessing to me and our new little family, THANK YOU!!!
Me and Harper, my niece.
Beginnings of Judson's room!
My parents got Judson a beautiful white crib and great bedding! (You guys are such great grandparents- thank you!) and Bryan had a lot of fun putting it together.
As he was finishing putting the last screw in, I had the camera ready to capture his elation that his job was done, and this is what I got:
Oh, how I love my hubby!
And finally, Bump Pictures!
Week 36
Week 38
Well, that's it for updates today. Hopefully the next post has some pictures of our new little guy, we're going crazy waiting for him!
Until then, "have a blast doing whatever it is you do for fun!" (from Bryan)
2010 is going to be a great year! Our first son is on the way, Bryan turns 30 (Finally- I've been saying he's almost 30 for years...) and I made it halfway to 50!
It was a great birthday- Bryan got me some beautiful flowers and we went out to my favorite Thai restaurant in town, and Tyler and Malika got me the best Birthday cake ever- Cookies and cream ice cream cake! I said I didn't want to eat food anymore- and that everyone should just make the switch to full time Birthday cake for nutrition- but thank goodness that's not actually the case! :-)
It was a great birthday- Bryan got me some beautiful flowers and we went out to my favorite Thai restaurant in town, and Tyler and Malika got me the best Birthday cake ever- Cookies and cream ice cream cake! I said I didn't want to eat food anymore- and that everyone should just make the switch to full time Birthday cake for nutrition- but thank goodness that's not actually the case! :-)
It's a Boy!
We found out Christmas morning that we'll be having a BOY!!! We are so excited and can't wait for this little one to get here!
We are going to name him Judson Alan Padgett, after the first American Missionary, Adoniram Judson. This is one of our heroes of the faith, and we love the heritage that Judson will have behind his name. Take time to read his story at the end of this blog! Judson's middle name is also Bryan's middle name, so we love that, too!
To see the video from the unveiling Christmas morning, click here:
I'm now 24 weeks pregnant:
and loving feeling Judson move ALL the time! We have determined he's definitely our child, haha. This week, according to a week by week update of how babies grow in the womb, he weighs a little over a pound and is about 8 1/2 inches long—the size of a banana. His unique hand- and footprints are forming, and apparently he frequently gets bouts of hiccups! And my sources say that these hiccups might be what makes me feel like he's in perpetual motion... So, maybe there's hope he'll be mellow??
Either way, we can't wait to meet him and find out who God's made him to be!
Adoniram Judson
By: Alicia Perry
Adoniram Judson was born August 9, 1788 in Malden, Massachusetts.
Despite his father being a Congregational minister, Judson was not saved until he was 20 years old. While studying at Brown University, he was greatly influenced by the Deistic beliefs of Jacob Eames, a close friend. Incredibly, the friend to swayed him away from Jesus also played a large role in Judson's conversion to Christ. He had announced to his parents that he had rejected Christianity and was leaving for New York to become a playwright. One night he was staying at an inn and was adjacent to the room of a dying man. All night he found himself plagued with wondering if the man was prepared to die or where he would spend eternity. The next morning Judson asked about the identity of the man who died that night. Judson was taken aback in realizing that the man was Jacob Eames, his unbelieving friend who had destroyed Judson's faith. With the realization that he was as lost as his now dead friend, Judson overcame his reservations and dedicated his life to the Lord.
In 1808, Judson started attending Andover Theological Seminar, where he became burdened to become a missionary. In 1810, he helped form the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions, and then two years later, he and his new bride of seven days, Ann, sailed for India. When the Indian government refused to allow the Judson's to enter the country, they went to Rangoon, Burma. There was not one known Christian among the millions of Burmese people.
After six years, the Judson's saw their first convert baptized. Judson wrote in his journal, "Oh, may it prove to be the beginning of a series of baptisms in the Burman empire which shall continue in uninterrupted success to the end of the age." In the first six years, Judson published tracts, translated the gospel of Matthew and the book of Ephesians, preached publicly, and labored among the Burmese people. Judson decided to contextualize the gospel when he decided to build a Zayat, a Buddhist-style meditation room, on the main street where he could hold meetings and teach passers by in a way that was not foreign to the people. This helped break down barriers between he and his hearers. This is what eventually led to their first convert.
In 1824, the Judson's moved to Ava. When the war between the English and the Burmese started, Judson was imprisoned for two years at Ava for being a British spy. While in prison, Judson continued his Bible translation by hiding the manuscripts in a pillow his wife smuggled into him. His perseverance is recorded in his prayer while imprisoned, "Lord, let me finish my work. Spare me long enough to put Thy saving Word into the hands of a perishing people." It was the faithfulness and persistence of his wife that kept him from starvation. Bribing the jailer, she would creep to the door of Judson's cell, bringing food and whispering words of hope and consolation. Not long after he was released from prison, Ann died from spotted fever. She was just shy of 37 years of age. In his marriage to Ann, they had three children die. The third one died three months after Ann.
After recovering from Ann's death, Judson continued to translate the Burmese Bible. In 1828, he moved to Maulmain where he and his colleague George Boardman were instrumental in the conversion of a member of the Karen People, Ko Tha Byu, who is the virtual founder of Karen Christianity. Ko Tha Byu's ministry resulted in the conversion of thousands. Within 25 years, there were 11,878 baptized Karen believers.
On April 12, 1850, Judson died. Judson had spent thirty-eight years in Burma (minus a few months when he returned to America after thirty-four years in Burma). Adoniram Judson will be remembered for his role in the establishment of U.S. missions, the translation of the complete Burman Bible, and his pioneering work among the Burmese people. As a young man he had cried out, "I will not leave Burma until the cross is planted here forever." Thirty years after his death, Burma had sixty-three Christian churches, one hundred and sixty-three missionaries, and over seven thousand baptized converts. One hundred years later, on the anniversary of his death, there were more than 200,000 Burma Christians.
Sources: Barlow, Fred.Profiles in Evangelism.Sword of the Lord Publishers, 1976. Bradshaw, Robert I. The Life and Work of Adonarim Judson, Missionary to Buma., 1992. Unknown author. Adoniram Judson, 1788-1850, Missionary to Burma., 2003.
We are going to name him Judson Alan Padgett, after the first American Missionary, Adoniram Judson. This is one of our heroes of the faith, and we love the heritage that Judson will have behind his name. Take time to read his story at the end of this blog! Judson's middle name is also Bryan's middle name, so we love that, too!
To see the video from the unveiling Christmas morning, click here:
I'm now 24 weeks pregnant:
and loving feeling Judson move ALL the time! We have determined he's definitely our child, haha. This week, according to a week by week update of how babies grow in the womb, he weighs a little over a pound and is about 8 1/2 inches long—the size of a banana. His unique hand- and footprints are forming, and apparently he frequently gets bouts of hiccups! And my sources say that these hiccups might be what makes me feel like he's in perpetual motion... So, maybe there's hope he'll be mellow??
Either way, we can't wait to meet him and find out who God's made him to be!
Adoniram Judson
By: Alicia Perry
Adoniram Judson was born August 9, 1788 in Malden, Massachusetts.
Despite his father being a Congregational minister, Judson was not saved until he was 20 years old. While studying at Brown University, he was greatly influenced by the Deistic beliefs of Jacob Eames, a close friend. Incredibly, the friend to swayed him away from Jesus also played a large role in Judson's conversion to Christ. He had announced to his parents that he had rejected Christianity and was leaving for New York to become a playwright. One night he was staying at an inn and was adjacent to the room of a dying man. All night he found himself plagued with wondering if the man was prepared to die or where he would spend eternity. The next morning Judson asked about the identity of the man who died that night. Judson was taken aback in realizing that the man was Jacob Eames, his unbelieving friend who had destroyed Judson's faith. With the realization that he was as lost as his now dead friend, Judson overcame his reservations and dedicated his life to the Lord.
In 1808, Judson started attending Andover Theological Seminar, where he became burdened to become a missionary. In 1810, he helped form the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions, and then two years later, he and his new bride of seven days, Ann, sailed for India. When the Indian government refused to allow the Judson's to enter the country, they went to Rangoon, Burma. There was not one known Christian among the millions of Burmese people.
After six years, the Judson's saw their first convert baptized. Judson wrote in his journal, "Oh, may it prove to be the beginning of a series of baptisms in the Burman empire which shall continue in uninterrupted success to the end of the age." In the first six years, Judson published tracts, translated the gospel of Matthew and the book of Ephesians, preached publicly, and labored among the Burmese people. Judson decided to contextualize the gospel when he decided to build a Zayat, a Buddhist-style meditation room, on the main street where he could hold meetings and teach passers by in a way that was not foreign to the people. This helped break down barriers between he and his hearers. This is what eventually led to their first convert.
In 1824, the Judson's moved to Ava. When the war between the English and the Burmese started, Judson was imprisoned for two years at Ava for being a British spy. While in prison, Judson continued his Bible translation by hiding the manuscripts in a pillow his wife smuggled into him. His perseverance is recorded in his prayer while imprisoned, "Lord, let me finish my work. Spare me long enough to put Thy saving Word into the hands of a perishing people." It was the faithfulness and persistence of his wife that kept him from starvation. Bribing the jailer, she would creep to the door of Judson's cell, bringing food and whispering words of hope and consolation. Not long after he was released from prison, Ann died from spotted fever. She was just shy of 37 years of age. In his marriage to Ann, they had three children die. The third one died three months after Ann.
After recovering from Ann's death, Judson continued to translate the Burmese Bible. In 1828, he moved to Maulmain where he and his colleague George Boardman were instrumental in the conversion of a member of the Karen People, Ko Tha Byu, who is the virtual founder of Karen Christianity. Ko Tha Byu's ministry resulted in the conversion of thousands. Within 25 years, there were 11,878 baptized Karen believers.
On April 12, 1850, Judson died. Judson had spent thirty-eight years in Burma (minus a few months when he returned to America after thirty-four years in Burma). Adoniram Judson will be remembered for his role in the establishment of U.S. missions, the translation of the complete Burman Bible, and his pioneering work among the Burmese people. As a young man he had cried out, "I will not leave Burma until the cross is planted here forever." Thirty years after his death, Burma had sixty-three Christian churches, one hundred and sixty-three missionaries, and over seven thousand baptized converts. One hundred years later, on the anniversary of his death, there were more than 200,000 Burma Christians.
Sources: Barlow, Fred.Profiles in Evangelism.Sword of the Lord Publishers, 1976. Bradshaw, Robert I. The Life and Work of Adonarim Judson, Missionary to Buma., 1992. Unknown author. Adoniram Judson, 1788-1850, Missionary to Burma., 2003.