Judson was born on May 6th, at 8:17 pm, and weighed 7 lbs, 9 oz, and was 20 and 1/2 inches long.
Our First Family Picture after Judson was born

Labor started sometime around 1:00 ish that day after having my water broken because my blood pressure was high when we came in that morning. Judson was posterior, and that could have been why labor hadn't started on it's own by almost 41 weeks. I was nervous about having my water broken because we were committed to having him that day at that point, but Cherie was confident that this would be all we needed to do to help the little guy come. And she was right! 10 Minutes later I was having regular contractions, and spent the rest of the day just waiting for him to come. Bryan and I were able to walk around the park next door to the Center, and sit outside in between laboring inside where they could monitor me a little closer. Labor was tough, but being able to have Judson naturally was such a wonderful experience, and nothing compares to the moment we finally had him in our arms!
It has been so fun having him here, and we love being his parents. Even though we will be in the learning process for the rest of our lives as parents, it's amazing how natural it is to be a mom. I just love him!!
First day home, not even 24 hours old.
Mommy and baby J hanging out
Daddy and Judson
Bright Eyes!

This week, we had a check up at the Birth & Women's Center, and to get Judson circumcised and his footprints on the wall with all the other babies that were born there.
Our little family with our Midwives! Beverly, Carol and Cherie. They were amazing, and we absolutely loved our experience there!
Getting his footprints on the wall!
I love baby feet!
Mommy and Blackfoot. He hated this! But... he didn't know what was coming next. We kept trying to tell him the circ would be way worse and to save his energy crying, haha.
Driving Home after his not so fun visit :-) But he's still so sweet!
More pictures and post to come...when we finally get around to it between diaper changes and feeding! :-)